
Improving of service quality of the consumers, decreasing of losses are the main orders standing in front of us. Measures are systematically carried out in the line of it. Loads of measures were carried out in the line of it at Barda electric network” (EN) as at all electric networks.

According to the information given by mentioned enterprise to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, preparation to winter season is continued and measures are operated in the line of totally paying of energy fees of used electric power. So that, different setting repair work were implemented at TL by 10 kV belonging to the enterprise balance, by the way, 6,7 km line was capitally repaired during last three months of the current year. At the same time, more than 12,7 km distance at the network by 0,4 kV was capital and maintenance repaired. Beside all of them, 52 stands and 26 traverses at the lines by 10 and 0,4 kV were changed.

Lets` noted that, different setting repair work were carried out at 34 TP belonging to the enterprise balance during financial period.

Under other information given by the source, damages were discovered at meter account of 213 consumers (204 of them belongs to private consumer group) during carried out spot – checks in September of the current year. And use value of more than 6078 00 kWh (more than 5364 00 kWh belongs to private consumer group) loosed electric power was restored. Some part (36500 manat) of this sum was repaid during financial period.

Lets` noted stressing to the source that, 2447 infringements were observed during carried out spot – checks within 9 months of 2012 and more than 5801 00 manat use value of about 9 million 6686 00 kWh (about 6 million 7202 00 kWh belongs to private consumer group)   loosed electric power was restored. About 25 % of this sum was repaid as a result of carried out relevant measures and corresponding measures are operated in the line of paying of the remainder sum.

Beside reconstruction and repair work,  cleaning of green mass was also implemented.