
Winter preparation was totally carried out. The trace of the lines were cleaned of green mass. Discharged cables were stretched out. Power transformers were cleaned, oil was added. Circuit breaker at the s/s were substituted with much more modern types.  People and other consumers groups  were supplied with quality and stabile electric energy.

It was noted in the information given by “Shamkir electric network” (EN) to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC. As they noted, 198 new meters were constructed, 410 meters were changed for subscribers during last two months. Capital repair work was implemented at 4 transformers by 1,08 MVA. Repair was also carried out at 9 km of the lines by 6 – 10 kV and at 5 km of the lines by 0,4 kV by network collective. 18 transformers were capital repaired, 18 transformers by 8,5 MVA were maintenance repaired.

According to the  information given by “Tovuz electric network”, analogical measures were implemented at the region by energy suppliers. 147 meters were construct new ones. A lot of out of service meters were changed. 18 stands by 6 – 10 kV were substituted with ones. 5 transformers and 7 CTP were capital repaired.

Lets` noted that, beside all of them, maintenance repair work were implemented at TL by 6 – 10 and 0,4 kV of different territories of the region. 10 transformers by 2,18 MVA  were maintenance repaired, three vacuum type breakers by 6 – 10 kV were  contracted. Winter preparation is mainly over in the network.

By the way, loads of measures were implemented at Ganja REN and it plays the main role is supplying of the consumers with quality and stabile electric power. So that, oil circuit breaker by 110 kV of the transformer number 2 of “Dashkesen” s/s, oil circuit breaker by 35 kV of the transformer by 4 MVA of Dash Salahli s/s were repaired. Vacuum breaker by 10 kV of “Tatli” TL by 35 kV feeding from S. “Vurghun” s/s by 110/35/10 kV was maintenance repaired. Beside it, capital and maintenance repair work of  transformers, oil circuit breakers of “Melxior”, “AzKTA”, “Gandallar” s/s are belonging to these type of measures.

It should be noted that, repair work was implemented at  the enterprise under high voltage TL. Maintenance repair work was implemented at “Ganja Aluminium Zavodu”, “Aghstafa” TL by 330 kV, the I “Alabashli” TL by 35 kV.

These type of measures are systematically carried out at places where necessary.