
Not only creating of generation power at energy system, but also supplying of the consumers in time and with quality energy are main orders. Normal activation of TL and s/s in the line of solving of this problem is taking the main part. Carrying out of repair – restoration and reconstruction measures at energy objects of the country is also main factor.  Reconstruction and repair – restoration measures are traditionally carried out at “Khachmaz regional electric  network” (REN). So that, according to the information given by REN to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, capital and maintenance repair work were implemented at energy objects belonging to the enterprise balance. “Khachmaz”, “Khudar”, “Yalama”, “Guba”, “Gusar”, “Shabran”, “Rehimli”, “Siyezen” s/s by 110/35/10 kV are belonging to the enterprises where repair work is carried out.

Different setting reconstruction work were operated at input oil circuit breakers of the transformers at above mentioned s/s. analogical repair work were operated at the s/s by 35/10 kV. Construction of new breakers, repair work of input oil circuit breakers and line disconnectors are implemented the “Beynelmilel”, “Nabran”, “Jaghar”, “Guba”, Canal, “Saadan”, “Emirxanli”, “Alpan”, “Gonagkend”, “Nasos”, “Nugedi”, “Pirbedil” and “Sohub” s/s. Lets` noted that, additional transformers were constructed at some s/s in order to improve energy supply of the consumers. For example, Canal s/s is one of these type objects. Energy supply of subscribers were improved as a result of construction of transformer by 2,2 MVA. Under the information given by REN, carried out relevant reconstruction measures at corresponding energy object makes opportunity for systematically supplying of energy in available climate condition.

Repair work was also implemented at OHL by 330, 110 and 35 kV. So that, totally, more than 700 insulators were substituted with new glass  insulators at Khachmaz OHL by 330 kV, the I, III, IV, VI, VII, VIII Khachmaz, Charkhi, the I and II Guba OHL, by the way, “Guba- Gusar”, “Canal”, “Gonagkend”, “Sohub”, “Ejekhur”, “Emirkhanli”, “Jaghar”, “Nabran”, “Guba – Gonagkend” OHL by 35 kV.

In additional, some repair work were implemented at “Khudat – Yalama” and “Gonagkend” OHL. In general, repair – restoration measures were operated  at 56,2 km distance of OHL by 35 kV and more tension.

Beside all of them, relevant measures were carried out in the line of supplying of fire safety at s/s. So that, oil leakage were prevented at power transformers. And other necessary safety measures were implemented.