
According to the information given by “Shahdagh power plant” which was constructed thanks to attention and care of out public leader to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, all maintenance checks are carried out in time under intended measures at the units and as a result of it, accidents were not observed. There were not observed any problems at energy production during 10 months of the current year, as last years. At present, the power plant is operating under the dispatch graphic.

As the source informed, about 23,1 million kWh electric energy was generated in October of the current year at the power plant. Lets` noted that, more than 280,1 million kWh electric energy was produced during 10 months of the current year.

Technical – economical indicators are satisfactory as a result of carried out purposeful measures in the line of increasing of work efficiency of the equipments, rising of stabile work of energy transmission and distribution systems.

Different setting repair work are implemented at energy blocks in accordance to measures plan in order to preparation to autumn – winter season of 2012/2013 years. At the same time, prevention repair work was carried out at other electric equipments – noted source was also added about carried out measures at the territory during last three months of the current year.

As the source informed,  repair work  was carried out at the generator number 10, at the transformer number 2 during mentioned period.  At the same time, repair work was implemented at circuit breakers by 10 kV of power transformers number 3 and 4 by 40 MVA and at breakers of three generators, current and tension transformers. Nine piston type units are maintenance  serviced during mentioned period. By the way, repair and technical service are carried out by repair brigade in order to supply the consumers with quality and stabile electric energy.

Lets` noted that, fire safety is also in the center of the attention. So that, out of service was implemted for fire-extinguisher means.

Lets` remind that, this power plant are consisting of 12 piston type units each power by 8,7 MW. 2 km new line was installed in order to supply I/O of the II Guba OHL by 110 kV  to the power plant.