Carried out purposeful measures give positive results in preventing of energy loss, specifying of consumption and increasing of total payment.
According to the information given by the “Oghuz electric network” (EN) to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, 2,4 km line was repaired at the lines by 10 kV during carried out repair work at the enterprise service territory within last months of the current year. The same tensioned “Sheher”, “Gumlug”, “Padar” and TL are belonging to these type measures. Lets` noted stressing to the source that, repair work was also implemented at balance belonging of the enterprise. So that, different setting repair work were operated at 8 TP.
It was also informed in the information given by the source about preventing of illegal use of electric power, violations of rule of electric power of 11 consumers were discovered at the enterprise service territory in September of the current year. Discovered infringements were relevantly acted and more than 910 manat use value of more than 152 00 kWh loosed electric power was restored. Beside paying of these sum, the debtor dents of last months were also paid.
Lets` noted that, more than 140 infringements were discovered during 9 months of the current year and more than 1452 00 manat use value of about 2 million 4202 00 kWh loosed electric power was restored. About 14 % of this sum was repaid and relevant measures are implemented in the line of paying of the remainder sum.
Lets` noted at the end that, beside reconstruction and repair work, the equipments were inspected at TP and CTP, the territory was cleaned of green mass and dry grass.