According to the information given by “Khizi Electric Network” (EN) to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, exploitation measures are operated under the graphic. The stands are substituted with much more powerful ones, wires were changed at the places where necessary. In additional, load of much more leaded transformer points are decreased, these consumers are connected to other consumers. And it makes opportunity for decreasing of losses and improving of stability.
Lets` noted that, in general, more than 6,2 km of the lines by 0,4 kV were substituted with SIL type ones during last three months of the current year. Repair work was also implemented at TP. Different setting repair work were operated at 11 TP. In general, necessary measures are operated at electric equipments of mentioned enterprise. By the way, testing measures were operated at the s/s during testing period.
Under other information given by the source, violations of rule of electric power of 3 consumers (they are belonging to private consumer group) during carried out spot – checks in September of the current year. Use value of 81 00 kWh loosed electric power was restored.
Lets` noted stressing to the source that, 85 violations of rule of electric power (74 of them belongs to private consumer group) were discovered at the enterprise during 9 months of the current year. And more than 461 00 manat use value of about 7698 00 kWh (more than 1691 00 kWh belongs to private consumer group) loosed electric power was restored. About 43 % of this sum was repaid and relevant measures are operated in the line of paying of the remainder sum.
By the way, there are still observed use of electric power by the edge line.