“Baku Thermal Electric Center” (TEC) is one of the main centers playing role in increasing of generation power, realizing of modern technology. Seasonal measures are implemented in time there as at other energy objects. And it plays the main role in increasing of stability and as a result of it, improving of technical – economical indicators.
It was noted in the information given by mentioned enterprise to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC.
As the source informed, about 47,2 million kWh electric power was produced at the enterprise in September of the current.
Lets` noted that, more than 411,4 million kWh electric power was generated at the enterprise during 9 months of the current year.
By the way, positive results were achieved in electric and thermal power transmission as a result of carried out purposeful measures in the line of increasing of efficiency of the equipments and increasing of exploitation level of energy transmission and distribution systems.
According to the information given by the source about carried out repair work, different setting repair work were implemented at s/s by 110 kV and inspection work was operated at the transformers. By the way, circuit breakers, tension transformers, oil circuit breakers were repaired. At the same time, capital repair work was operated at the engines and at other equipments. List of carried out measures are enough rich.
It should be noted that, nitrogen line was totally renewed, network pumps number 4 and black oil pump number 2 were also repaired. Beside all of them different setting repair work were implemented at gas turbine equipment and at other equipments. In general, measures intended for preparation to autumn winter season is finished. At present, the power plant is operated under the dispatch graphic.
By the way, repair work was also implemented at administrative buildings and at other buildings in order to improve of work condition of the workers. It should be noted at the end that, measures are continued under the graphic in order to save stabile and safety work regime.
Lets` noted that, two gas – turbines each power by 53,3 MW were operated at Baku TEC.