
Naftalan” EN plays the main role in “Mingachevir REN” distribution networks range. Serious progress was observed in the line of increasing of exploitation level, carrying out of purposeful measures and illegal use of electric power at distribution network during last period.

According to the information given by mentioned enterprise to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, same part of the lines was changed, dimension was restored, stands were made and trace of lines were cleaned of green mass of the lines by 10 and 0,4 kV during last three months of the current year.

Lets` noted that, different setting repair work were operated at TP belonging to enterprise balance during mentioned period.

Modern type pay system is applied for using of electric energy with cards in accordance to put in order of energy account. And it makes opportunity for preventing of interferes to meter account – noted source was also added that, violations of rule of electric power of 6 consumers (3 of them  belongs to private consumer group) were discovered at the enterprise service territory during 8 months of the current year. Discovered infringements were relevantly acted and more than 12 00 manat use value of about 215 00 kWh (more than 91 00 kWh belongs to private consumer group) loosed electric power was restored. Beside paying of this sum, the debtor debts of last months were also paid. Relevant measures are operated in the line of paying of remainder sum.

Constantly relevant measures are operated in the line of fire safety at the enterprise. By the way, territory of TP were cleaned of dry grass, temperature is saved in normal way at oil capacious equipments. Cleaning work of trees and other green mass of trace of TL is carried out.