
Relevant measures are implemented at Shirvan Regional Electric Network” (REN) in order to supply technical indicators with much more quality form, by the way preparation to autumn – winter season. According to the information given by the network to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC about carried out measures at Masalli, Lankaran, Astara, Lerik, Yardimli, Jalilabad, Bilasuvar, Neftchala, Salyan, Shirvan, Hajigabul and at Elet settlement of Garadagh region, getting of stabile and quality energy is one of the main order standing in front of collective. For this purpose, 7 km of the  III Shirvan TL by 330 kV, about 7 km was capital repaired, about 250 insulators and 9 line reinforcements were substituted with new ones. At the same time, different setting repair work were operated at the I, II Shirvan and the III Masalli TL by 220 kV and 13,5 km of these lines were repaired and about 440 insulators were substituted with new ones.

Lets` noted that, analogical measures were operated at TL by 110 kV and about 81 km line was capital repaired, about 1500 insulators and more than 135 line reinforcements were substituted with new ones. At the same time, 2 stands were substituted with new ones.

By the way, about 62 km of TL by 35 kV and 2 stands were repaired.

Under other information given by the source, repair work was also implemented at s/s belonging to balance. So that, transformers number 1 and 2 by 45 MVA, entrance oil breaker at Lankaran – 1 s/s, oil circuit breakers at Hirkan and Khanbulag TL by 35 kV were also repaired. At the same time, analogical measures were operated at s/s by 110 kV.

It should be noted that, different setting repair work were operated at Liman, Lerik, Neftchala, Uchtepe, Erchivan  s/s by 35 kV and at other oil circuit breakers. And oil circuit breakers were repaired and put into operation.