Collective of “Shimal” PP which is the most important generation power of Absheron peninsula, one of the enterprises put into operation thanks to our great leader during independent period – are successfully finished within 8 months of the current year. Technical economical indicators are in high level under 8 months of the current year. At present, the power plant is operating in accordance to the dispatch graphic.
According to the information given by the power plant to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, about 168,1 million kWh electric power was produced in August of the current year.
Lets` noted that, about 1 milliard 477,8 million kWh electric power was produced there during 8 months of the current year.
Under the information given by the source, this is logical result of carried out purposeful measures. And other technical indicators are in high level.
According to the information given by operated measures during autumn – winter season, intended measures in the line of measures plan and other organizing measures were finished.
Lets` also noted that, loads of measures were implemented in order to prevent of freezing of cooling water channel and creating of ice in the channel. And at present relevant projects are operated there.
By the way, fire safety is also in the center of the attention there as at other enterprises. So that, fire pumps are controlled, discovered indispositions were eliminated for supporting of fire safety. At the same time, automatic water fire extinguisher and fire give information systems constructed on the different type transformers and oil vats were inspected and good mended. Beside all of them, against accident training were operated for them.
Lets` remind that, development program of “Shimal” PP is successfully continued by leadership of Azerbaijan Republic. Construction of the second energy block by 409 MW of Japan company Toyo Engineering is allowed at the enterprise in accordance to concluded contract. It was founded by honorable president Ilham Aliyev in 21 September, 2011. Leader, taking participation in front of power engineering specialists and builders was noted that, construction work is planned to over in a few period.
It should be noted that, at present, construction of energy block by 409 MW is continued.
Lets` noted at the end that, construction of new TL by 220 kV and s/s will be continued in accordance to construction of the second energy block. As a result of it, stability of electric energy supply of Absheron peninsula is totally supported.