
Some important measures were implemented at s/s of “Sumgait High Voltaged Electric Network” (HVEN) in order to increase quality of electric power transmitted to the consumers, saving of technological losses in definite limit, prevent of commercial looses during three months of the current year.

According to the information given by mentioned enterprise to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, section number 3 was capital repaired at “Yashma” s/s by 330 kV. At the same time, one insulating gas breaker by 220 kV and 4 ones by 330 kV were repaired. Beside all of them, different setting repair work were operated at “Shirvan” and “Khachmaz” TL by 330 kV, “Yashma” by 220 kV, the I and V Yashma by 110 kV, the II Siyazan, the V Sumgait.

Lets` noted that, auto transformer number 2 by 200 MVA at “Senaye Govshaghi” s/s by 220 kV was capital repaired and the equipments were maintenance repaired, oil circuit breaker by 10 kV of use transformer number 2 was substituted with vacuum type. In additional, different setting repair work were operated at the equipments of s/s.

By the way, analogical measures were operated at Sumgait – 3 s/s by 110 kV.

Lets` noted under the information given by the source, the power of Kimyachilar s/s by 110 kV was increased. So that, the transformer number 2 by 40 MVA was substituted with the one by 80 MVA, accumulator battery was also substituted with new one.

Transformer  number 2 by 80 MVA at Sumgait – 2 s/s by 110 kV, transformer number 2 by 40 MVA and their equipments were repaired. Different setting repair work were operated at the equipments of these s/s.

Under the information given by the source, relevant measures were operated under high voltaged TL in order to increase stability. So that, cables were tighten at some stands of the II Absheron TL by 500 kV, lightning-conductor cables were repaired. At the same time, analogical measures were operated at the I Absheron TL by 330 kV.

It should be noted at the end that, relevant repair work were operated at the VII Absheron TL by 220 kV, Sumgait TL by 110 kV, the I, III “Senaye Govshaghi” TL. Changing of broken insulators, repair work of damaged cables, substituting of out of service reinforcements with new ones are belonging to these type of measures.

By the way, execution realized measures makes opportunity for highly supplying of stability at energy transmitters.

As the source informed, fire safety matter is in the center of the attention as at other objects and the territory was cleaned of dry grass, oil level was controlled at all oil capacious equipments.

Lets` noted at the end that, intended measures are mainly carried out during the II quarter of the current year in accordance to autumn – winter season.