Carried out measures give positive results in the line of improving of energy economy, supplying of the consumers of “Oghuz Electric Network” with quality electric power. It was noted in the information given by EN to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC. Energy support situation is satisfactory as a result of carried out capital and maintenance repair work.
So that, repair work was implemented at 12,2 km distance of TL by 10 and 0,4 kV, 61 stands were changed. At the same time, 2 km SIL type cable was installed. The territory of TL were cleaned of trees. More than 500 new meters were constructed during a year, metering work of the territory where placed refugees was over.
Lets` noted stressing to the information of the source, capital and maintenance repair work were operated at the s/s in order to supplying of electric energy support. The transformer by 4 and 3,2 MVA of “Oghuz” s/s by 35 kV, the transformer by 4 and 2,5 MVA of “Yagublu” s/s were also repaired. Oil circuit breakers of both feeders by 10 kV were capital repaired. 16 TP were maintenance repaired. All TL and s/s were controlled in accordance to measures plan. The territory of s/s were cleaned of fire dangerous material and weed.
There are still observed use of energy by the edge line at the network. Spot – checks are carried out for discovering of these type of measures. As a result of implemented measures the number of illegal use of electric power is increased. Large scale construction work was also implemented in Oghuz. Collaborators of this region is closely take part in this measures. For example, 12 iron – concrete stands were substituted with metal ones at TL by 10 kV. 72 insulators were substituted with new ones. 32 iron – concrete stands were substituted with new ones. At present, relevant measures are operating in the line of it. In general, installation with totally SIL type cable is intended at the network by 0,4 kV. This process will be started in a few days.