Some measures were implemented, stability of the network was increased, quality of energy transmission was increased at “Barda EN” of “Mingachevir Regional Electric Network” enterprise. According to the information given by mentioned enterprise to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, renewing work was carried out at TL by the repairmen. 27,2 km distance of TL by 0,4 kV and 19,6 km line of TL by 10 kV was capital and maintenance repaired, surround of TL was cleaned of green mass. The cable by 0,4 kV in 5,1 km was substituted with SIL type cable. 113 iron – concrete stands by 10 kV, 91 ones by 0,4 kV were grounded. 44 transformers were capital repaired. 417 meters were constructed at new flats. Damaged 603 meters were changed and substituted with new ones.
Lets` noted that, 24 transformer points by 10/0,4 kV were capital repaired, 36 of them were maintenance repaired. 6,8 km SIL type cable was installed. The transformer by 1,8 MVA was substituted with the one by 2,5 MVA at Bajravan s/s by 35/10 kV in accordance to irrigation season.
As the source informed, 1200 statements were drawn up during half year in accordance to facts of violations of rule. 855 of them belongs to private consumer group. More than 197 thousand use vale of loosed electric power was restored. Relevant measures are carried out in the line of repaying of total sum.