
Damaging of the state seals, not noting of some part of used electric power at interfered meters, use of electric power by the edge line and other indispositions were discovered. Much more hard measures are carried out against these consumers.

According to the information given by Aghstafa Electric Network to the Press  - release of Azerenergy JSC, violations of rule of electric power of 12 consumers were discovered at the enterprise service territory in June of the current year. Discovered infringements were relevantly acted and more than 16 00 manat use value of about 274 00 kWh loosed electric power  was restored. This sum was repaid as a result of carried out relevant measures during financial period.    Lets` noted that,  86 statements were drawn up during 6 months of the current year, more than 136 00 manat use value of about 2281 00 kWh loosed electric power was restored. About 95 % of this sum was repaid as a result of carried out relevant measures and relevant measures are implemented in the line of repaying  of the remainder sum.

By the way, documents of 8 consumers were sent to law machinery during 6 months of the current year.

By the way,  important steps were taken in order to supply the consumers with quality electric power, by the way, preventing of violations of rule of electric power. As a result of it, stability was much more strengthening, extreme loadings were eliminated, losses were decreasing, high results are achieved in the payment of used electric power – stressing source is also noted that, repair work was implemented during last three months of the current year.

Under the information given by the source, about 13,1 km line was repaid during carried out different setting repair work at TL by 10, 6 and 0,4 kV belonging to  the enterprise. At the same time, 15 stands were constructed and 26 stands were substituted with new ones.

It should be noted that, 19 transformer points were repaired during mentioned period.