
Baku power plant was one of the first enterprises where was applied piston type engines. At present, the units are operated in accordance to the dispatch graphic.

According to the information given by the power plant to the Press – release of Azerenergy JSC, more than 41,6 million kWh electric power was produced  at the power plant in June of the current year.

Lets` noted that, about 281,9 million kWh electric power was produced during 6 months of 2012.

Lets` also noted that, as a result of carried out purposeful measures in the line of  increasing of efficient and stabile work of  energy transmission and distribution system, satisfactory results were achieved at technical economical indicators during 6 months of the current year.

Under the information given by the source, all the units are in normal work regime at the power plant. Technical matters are in the center of the attention, technical control is implemented in time and necessery measures are operated for saving exploitation level in high level. Repair work is carried out by repair brigade.

It should be noted that, the equipments were inspected, indispositions were eliminated, outdated parts of equipments were substituted with new ones during carried out repair process during last three months of the current year. Changing of  oil filters, cleaning of air cooles, adding of oil and other work can be the example  carried out measures. By the way, maintenance repair work was carried out at all units during mentioned period.

Lets` also noted stressing to the source, the equipments were maintenance controlled and different setting repair work were implemented at electric workshops in the line of preparation to autumn – winter season. By the way, technical maintenance repair work were implemented at power transformers, insulating gas breakers, disconnectors.

Fire safety is in center of the attention there as at other energy objects. Workshops, administrative and subsidiary buildings were supplied with fire extinguisher equipments, the territory was cleaned of dry grass and green mass.

Increasing of professionalism  of the staff is also in the center of the attention. At the same time, restoration work were implemented in time.

Lets` remind that, this power plant constructed for improving of electric energy supply of the region is consisting of 12 units, total power by 105 MW.