
Important measures are carried out in order to improve activity of energy economy and supply of the consumers with much more stabile electric energy at “Astara Electric Network”.

It was noted in the information given by Astara EN to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC. Lots of measures were implemenetd during last period. As a result of it, level of energy support was increased. At present,  Astara is supported with much more quality electirc power during a day. After put into operation of “Astara Electric Network” lack of energy was finished.

At present, important measures are continued in the line of improving of energy supply of the consumers. 45 stands were changed at the lines by 10 kV, 25 ones at the lines by 0,4 kV, three thousand meter line was substituted with new one, 500 meter SIL type cable was installed during five months of 2012. At the same time, 8 transformers were capital repaired and put into operation. 150 meters were constructed for the subscribers during 5 months, 100 meters were substituted with new ones.

Lets` noted that, the territory of all s/s were cleaned of dry grass, the trace of the lines by 35 and 10 kV were cleaned of green mass. Primary fire extinguisher means were controlled.

By the way, increasing of professionalism level of the network workers is in the center of the attention. For this purpose, accident and different type training were systematically carried out.  The staff are instructed in the line of technical safety and labour protection.