
Shaki Power Plant” plays the main role in supplying of north – west region of the republic with electric power. As a result of operation of these generation enterprises, capacity of looses was decreased and quality indicators of electric energy was increased.

According to the information given by the power plant to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, exploitation level is operating there in accordance to the graphic and all the generators are in normal work regime. At present, operation of the power plant is continued under the graphic.

Under the information given by power plant, about 24,7 million kWh electric power was produced in May of the current year.

Lets` noted that, about 129,7 million kWh electric power was produced during 5 months of the current year.

By the way, the results are satisfactory under technical economical indicators of electric energy  as a result of carried out purposeful measures during 5 months of the current year.

As the source informed, engines of the power plant are maintenance checked up by the staff of the enterprise. Capital repair work was finished at the unit 1 in the line of supporting of quality and regular electric power of the consumers. Carrying out of capital technical service at other units is also intended. Lightning security means were controlled , discovered indispositions were eliminated and other mending work was implemented in accordance to available climate condition.

By the way, fire safety is also in the center of the attention as at other energy objects. So that, fire extinguisher equipments were inspected at the work shops, administrative and subsidiary buildings and the territory was cleaned of mass.

Renovation work was also implemented at “Shaki Power Plant”.

All the measures are operated at the enterprise with attention and care from the first day.

All the measures are carried out for planting of thousand of trees and scale of greenness is increased year by year.

It should be noted at the end that, requirements of  sanitary hygiene norm, labour protection and safety technique  were serious  guarded at work place.

Lets` remind that, 2 circuit TL by 110 kV in 19,2 km length was installed for transmission of produced energy at this power plant consisting of 10 units total power by 87 MW.