Traditionally repair – restoration work is carried out at energy economy in the line of supplying of electric energy with quality and stabile electric power of the consumer of the state.
According to the information given by “Shaki Electric Network” (EN) to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, loads of measures are implemented in order to preparation to autumn – winter season at the enterprise. By the way, different setting repair work were implemented at 27 transformer points (TP) by 6-10/0,4 kV during last three months of the current year.
Lets` noted that, capital and maintenance repair work were operated at TL by 10, 6 and 0,4 kV and out of service cables were substituted with new ones. As a result of it, more than 12,5 km TL was repaired. Dashuz, Aydinbulag, Turan and itc. Villages, at the same time Gayabashi, Okhud, Gokhmug lines by 10 kV and other lines by 0,4 kV are belonging.
Lets` noted stressing to the source that, violations of rule of electric power of 33 consumers were discovered as a result of carried out spot – checks at the enterprise in August of the current year. Discovered infringements were relevantly acted and more than 68 00 manat use value of more than 1138 00 kWh loosed electric power was restored. Beside paying of this sum as a result of carried out relevant measures, debtor debts of last months were also paid.
Lets` noted that, violations of rule of electric power of 390 consumers were discovered during 8 months of the current year and statements were drawn up against them. And as a result of it, about 934 00 manat use value of more than 1 million 5559 00 kWh loosed electric power was restored. Beside paying of this sum as a result of carried out relevant measures, debtor debts of last months were also paid.
Lets` noted at the end that, necessary measures are continued in the line of improving of commission situation of the network. The consumers were supplied with much more stabile electric power as a result of in time carried out capital and maintenance repair work.