
Lots of measures were implemented at energy objects belonging to Absheron Regional Electric Network (REN) which play main role in supplying of energy of Absheron peninsula and Baku around territories during last months. And it makes opportunity for supporting with stabile and quality electric power, decreasing of technological losses during autumn – winter season.

According to the information given by mentioned enterprise to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, reconstruction work was implemented at switch yard by 330 kV in accordance to project at “Absheron” s/s by 500 kV and these type of measures are continued at auto transformer number 3 by 400 MVA. Reconstruction work is continued at OSY by 220 kV. At the same time, construction work of auto transformer number 3 was finished at “Mushvig” s/s by 220 kV in order to strengthen of stability of energy supply of Baku center and there type of measures are continued.

Lets` noted that, circuit breaker, current and tension transformers were substituted with new ones in accordance to reconstruction of Sangachal s/s by 220 kV. Repair work was operated at the same tension Khirdalan s/s.

By the way, transformer number 3 and 4 by 40 MVA were substituted with the one by 63 MVA at Binagadi s/s. Construction work of  CSY was over at Zabrat s/s and at present, construction of equipments is continued.

As the source informed, analogical measures was operated at Hovsan s/s by 220 kV, Ramana, Zigh s/s by 110 kV and at the VIII km and at other s/s. Intended measures are operated under graphic in accordance to preparation to autumn – winter season. So that, necessary measures are operated in the line of changing or restoring of oil circuit breakers in order to much more strengthening  of stability of s/s. At the same time, repair work is operated at administrative buildings in order to improve of work regime of the workers of Surakhani, 205 and Gala s/s.

It should be noted at the end that, at present, construction of Boyukshor and Zabrat s/s by 220 kV are continued at the service territory of the enterprise.

At present, construction of two circuit TL between Sangachal PP - Mushvig s/s by 220, Shimal PP – Hovsan s/s by 220 kV and Shimal PP -  Zabrat s/s by 220 kV. Reconstruction work of Aghsu and Gabala TP by 220 kV are continued.

It should be noted at the end that, fire safety is also in the center of the attention. So that, territory of TL and s/s were cleaned of dry grass, around of oil capacious equipments were cleaned of dirty oil cover. At the same time, control and measure apparatus were inspected and discovered indispositions were eliminated. Al s/s were supported with fire extinguisher installations. In additional, automatic fire extinguisher installations were constructed for new constructed all transformers.