
Increasing of service quality for  consumers of “Tovuz” EN as at other distribution electric networks, paying of energy value in time, decreasing of technological looses are main orders standing in front of us. At present, repair work is continued in the line of preparation to autumn – winter season, there.

According to the information given by the enterprise to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC about improving of exploitation level of  distribution and transmission networks, exploiters are assiduously try in the line of supplying of stability of energy support at the region which is large from geographical point of view. Capital and maintenance repair work of TL, transformers or complete transformer points (TP and CTP) were implemented under applied schedule.

Lets` noted that, more than 4 km part of TL by 10, 6 and 0,4 kV were repaired during last three months of the current year in the line of preparation to autumn – winter season. And it makes opportunity for supplying of the consumers with quality electric energy.

Lets` noted under the information given by the source, repair work was realized at 17 CTP during mentioned period. In additional, 22 transformers more than 3,1 MVA were repaired and put into operation.

According to the information given by the source, violations of rule of electric power of 51 consumers were discovered during carried out spot – checks in August of the current year. Discovered infringements were relevantly acted and more than 8 thousand manat use value of about 1348 00 kWh loosed electric power was restored. About   30 % of this sum was repaid as a result of carried out measures.

Lets` noted that, 353 violations of rule of electric power was discovered during 8 months of the current year and use value of 1 million 500 thousand kWh loosed electric power  was restored. About 60% (more than 90 thousand manat) was paid and relevant measures are implemented in the line of repaying of the remainder sum.

Lets` remind that, 14 villages having the same border with Armenia. Supplying stability of energy support is in the center of the attention where is cease-fire shatter territories. Execution of definite measures plan is continued in the line of improving of energy supply of other residents of the region.