Important steps are taken at electric network enterprises in order to supply the consumers with quality and stabile electric power. The measures are continued in the line of increasing of service quality for the consumers, saving of technological looses in definite limit, preventing of commercial looses.
According to the information given by “Lerik Electric Network” to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, important steps were taken in the line of much more strengthening of stability of the network, by the way, in the line of preparation to autumn – winter season during last three months of the current year. So that, 14,3 km of the lines by 10 kV, more than 3,7 km of the lines by 0,4 kV were repaired.
Lets` noted that, different setting repair work was realized at 9 TP. In additional, 3 transformers were repaired and put into operation.
Under other information given by the source, fire safety measures are also in the center of the attention. The territory of TP were cleaned of dry grass and other these type of measures were operated.
There are still observed use of electric power by the edge line and most of them observed at private consumer group – noted source was also added that, damages were discovered at meter complete of 2 consumers during carried out spot – checks in August of the current year. Discovered infringements were relevantly acted and more than 317 thousand manat use value of about 53 00 kWh loosed electric power was restored. Some part of this sum was repaid during financial period.
Lets` noted stressing to the source, 12 violations of rule of electric power were discovered during carried out spot – checks within 8 months of the current year. As a result of it, use value of about35 00 kWh loosed electric power was restored. Some part of this sum (2100 manat) was repaid as a result of relevant measures and corresponding measures are operated in the line of repaying of the remainder sum.