
Breath of autumn is feeling. Our power engineering specialists  are given report about carried out measures, creating list of will done work, finishing of preparation to autumn – winter season.  Increasing of service quality for the consumers, saving of technological losses in definite limit, achieving high results in electric power use are main orders standing in front of us. Systematically spot – check are carried out in the line preventing of violations of rule of electric power. For this purpose different setting repair work were implemented at TL and TP belonging to “Ujar Electric Network” (EN).

According to the information given by mentioned enterprise to the Press – release of “Azerenergy”  JSC about carried out reconstruction and repair work carried out at TL and TP, rational use of electric power is seriously controlled. New meters for 400 subscribers were constructed, about 700 damaged meters were changed, TL were capital and maintenance repaired during June – August months.

Lets` noted that, about 60 stands were substituted with new ones at the lines by 0,4 kV. Oil circuit breakers were changed at “Ujar” s/s by 110/35 kV. Capital and maintenance repair work of the by 10 kV are in the center of the attention.

It should be noted that, measures plan is implemented, commission level is improved. Relevant measures are carried out in order supply fire safety taking into account of present climate condition.