
Increasing of service quality of the consumers, saving of technological losses in definite limit, supplying of 100 % result are the main orders standing in front of us. Beside all of them, loads of measures were carried out in the line of preventing of violations of rule of electric power and relevant measures are continued.

According to the information given by “Fuzuli” EN to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, the damages were discovered at meter  complete of 12 consumers at the enterprise service territory during carried out spot - checks in August of the current year. Discovered infringements were relevantly acted and more than 55 00 manat use value of about 919 00 kWh loosed electric power was restored. Beside paying of this sum as a result of carried out relevant measures, the debtor debts of last months were also paid.

Lets` noted that, 86 violations of rule of electric power was discovered there during 8 months of the current year  and  more than 648 00 manat use value of about 1 million 81 thousand kWh loosed electric power was restored. About 72 % of this sum was repaid as a result of carried out corresponding measures and relevant measures are operated in the line of paying of the remainder sum.

Under the information given by the source about carried out repair measures, 3,2 km distance was repaid during carried out measures at Hospital TL by 6 kV  coming out of “Boyuk Harami” s/s by 110 kV, “Alikhanli” TL by 10 kV coming out of “Mahmudlu” s/s by 35 kV.

By the way, different setting repair work were operated at TP belonging to balance, by the way, different setting 20 transformers were repaired and connected to the network. Lets` noted at the end that, carried out measures in the line of supplying with stabile electric power are continued. At present, fire safety is also in the center of the attention in order to intent of present climate condition.