
Concrete steps were taken in the line of improving of technical indicators at “Sumgait High Voltage Electric Network” (HVEN) as at other energy economies.  Measures plan is implemented in accordance to applied measures plan under the II quarter of the current year. So that, intended repair – inspection and testing measures were finished at the I and II Absheron TL by 330 kV, Khachmaz, Yashma by 220 kV, the II Siyazen by 110 kV, the II Mashtaga and at other TL, Jeyranbatan, number 83  s/s by 110 kV and at other s/s. At the same time, reconstruction and different setting repair work were carried out in order to preparation to autumn – winter season.

According to the information given by the enterprise to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, different setting repair work were operated at two transforers and their equipments of Sitalchay, Saz – 1 and Saz – 2 s/s. Analogical measures were implemented at the transformer number 2 by 6,3 MVA of the same tensioned Khezri s/s.

As the source informed, capital and maintenance repair work were implemented at transformers and their  equipments   of Goredil, Shamakhi, Masazir and number 83 s/s.

Lets` noted that, repair work were operated at TL belonging to enterprise balance. So that, some cables and loop circuits were also repaired at Khachmaz TL by 330 kV, lots of insulators were changed and reinforcements of cables at 7 stands were controlled.

Lets` noted stressing to the source that, analogical measures were operated at the O Khirdalan, Masazir, the II Mashtagha TL by 110 kV, Yashma by 220 and at other TL during mentioned period.

Relevant measures belonging to fire safety are also carried out at the enterprise service territory. By the way, the territory of s/s were cleaned of dry grass, oil level at oil capacious equipments and temperature of transformers are controlled. Fire extinguisher means were substituted with new ones. It should be noted at the end, collective not only increase of technical regularity of the networks but also carry out preparation measures to autumn – winter season.